You will more than
likely have the “baby blues”. This is much different than having
Post Partum Depression. I used to look at my new baby and just cry – not
because I was sad but because I was so happy. I couldn’t imagine that this
wonderful little being came from me. Sure, there were moments when I was feeling
overwhelmed and full of doubt, but those moments pass. If the baby blues don’t
go away after a few days/weeks, contact your doctor/midwife.
Make sure your spouse/family
knows the warning signs for Post Partum Depression (PPD). You may not be able
to self diagnose!
The first few weeks
are really hard, but it does get easier.
Relax... It's
scary at first if your baby is always crying, but it's doesn't hurt them to cry if you need a shower or have to use the loo.
You will not be a
perfect mom. The most important thing you and DH (or partner) can do is to love
your baby.
R-E-L-A-X!!!!! Study
your baby before jumping. Let them cry and "read"'s not as hard as it seems.
Babies, and even toddlers
can cry for no reason. Let them if they need to.
When the wife is crying
that she needs to be alone, sometimes she means alone with YOU.
Put a dab of lavender
oil on your shoulder or a blanket on your shoulder when baby is fussy, calms
them right down (just make sure they don't get it in their eyes or mouth maybe put it under your shirt etc..)
There are going to
be days when you ask why you wanted this baby. This is normal. Times when they cry and you can't get them to stop. You are
still a good mom. There are nights when you feel so overwhelmed that you
will cry and this is when you need your hubby to take your baby and send you back to bed.
It will pass even though it doesn't feel like it.
Rest, patience, no
name, and love yourself even when you think you've failed.
Go out for a walk
or somewhere every day, even if you have to make yourself. It'll make you feel
so much better. Even if your child is screaming at the top of their lungs, the
fresh air will do you both good, everyone understands & sympathizes, and it'll actually give you more energy!
Expect tears
within days after baby arrives, A LOT of tears. Expect yourself to feel totally
incompetent. Don't worry, you're not.
Our Lamaze Instructor
once said: "Wanting to throw your child out the window is completely normal. The
big difference is whether or not you actually do it!"
"This too shall pass"
- nothing is permanent with a baby. The challenging stuff - sleepless nights,
colic, etc. is not forever!